Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Why is Water Leaking Through My Ceiling?

Ceiling Leaks and Preventative Measures

You are sitting on your couch or your favorite chair watching TV, and all of a sudden, you notice a drip hit you in the face. That's when you realize it's coming from your ceiling.  You look up, only to see this giant bubble waiting to burst and dump water all over your hardwood floors-- or worse-- the expensive rug you just purchased.  You know if you don’t do something soon, your ceiling will end up all over the floor. 
Some people would get a large garbage can to place under the bubble and poke a hole to help drain the water build up.  Not sure if I like that idea, but it will release some of the pressure off of the ceiling and hopefully prevent it from falling down. 
What causes this to happen?  Seems like every year I have a drain problem.  What can I do to prevent this from happening again?  Isn’t there some type of miracle stop I can use?  I just had this ceiling replaced; I’m going to give that airconditioning company a piece of my mind.  This is their fault and they have to pay for my floors and my ceiling.  This is their fault.  They were just here a year ago and fixed the problem.  
These are just a few things that may go through your mind as frustration sets in trying to figure out what to do with this problem.  We hear it all the time. It even happens at our own houses from time to time.  So let’s look into why this happens and how we can prevent it.

What Causes Drain Clogs?
Depending on what part of the country you live in, an air conditioning system working at its peak can produce as little as 5 gallons a day or as much as 20 gallons per day in more humid climates.  That’s a lot of water flowing through a ¾ inch pipe tied into the plumbing system of your house.  In a perfect environment, this water should be clean and leave nothing in the pipes to clog them.  Unfortunately, this just isn’t so. 
The blower in your heater or air handler is either pushing or pulling air over the evaporator coil, and this is where the water is produced.  This air usually has particles of dirt in it that gets stuck on the fins of an evaporator coil.  Some of this dirt gets washed down the fins into the drain pan and of course into the drain line itself. 
Over time, this creates a buildup, which we refer to as slime or sludge.  After some time, this slime/sludge material will completely clog either the drain pan or drain line causing water to leak out of the system and onto your ceiling or flooring, depending on where your indoor unit is located. A lot of people might say, “I use the best filters and replace or clean them all the time so this should never happen.”  Well let’s talk about that, because you might be surprised.

How do I stop the Dirt Build up?
The truth is, you can’t. 
All filters are not created equal and even the ones that claim they stop 99.9% of the dirt aren’t telling the whole truth.  Dirt particles are very small and can get through almost any filter.  Some filters can be very restrictive on air flow so the unit will pull air from any place it can, especially if the system isn’t sealed properly. 
Air leaks around heater doors, air handlers, or even your duct work means unfiltered air is drawn into the system leaving dirt everywhere. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, you should use the best filters possible according to what your system can handle.  It’s not about what fits in the grill.  It’s about what type of system you have, where the best location of the filter is and, most importantly, whether the filter is the right size for your type of system.  We’ll talk more about this in another blog soon.  Let’s get back to your ceiling caving in and making a mess of your house.

How Do I Prevent Ceiling Leaks from Happening Again
Total prevention can never be guaranteed, but steps can be taken to greatly reduce the risk of it happening and destroying your ceiling. 
Let’s attack the drain pan in the evaporator coil first.  This is where the first signs of slime/sludge can (and will) occur.  Most manufacturers have started using aluminum tubing again, (it’s better, trust me) but the downside is that some units will produce the slime itself.  There are two ways to help reduce the possibilities of this happening.
1 | Pan Pads
One manufacturer told us in a training session that putting a piece of copper pipe in the pan will help.  I tried this once myself, but didn’t see any difference.  However, we do offer pan pads that release a chemical into the water, which reduces some of this buildup. 
The best part is this also goes down the drain line, which helps keep it clean too.  These pan pads need to be replaced every year because they have a limited lifespan.  Here is what they look like.  We simply put them directly in the drain pans and they will do the rest.

Does this guarantee you’ll have absolutely no clogs? Unfortunately it doesn’t. But it’s a great line of defense in reducing your risk.
2 | Float Switches
Another option is to have an inline float switch installed in the main drain line.  Now, this doesn’t release any chemicals in the water, but it will turn the system off in the event that the drain line clogs up somewhere between the float switch and where it ties into the plumbing stack of the homes drain system.  It has wires coming from it that turn the low voltage to the system which turns the unit off so that it no longer produces water.  Below, are pictures of 2 types of float switches that can reduce the chance of water leaking in through the ceiling or on the floors ruining floors and carpet?  The second type goes in the emergency pan (every unit needs one) and will turn the unit off if that pan fills up to.

Again, these cannot guarantee you won’t ever have a problem, but it will greatly reduce the risk of it happening.

Preventative Maintenance
This is the absolute first plan of attack against drain line issues.  This time of year is a great time for your technician to blow out the drain line using nitrogen or install a pan pad to protect your system.  This is the time they should note anything they may see that could become an issue later like a dirty filter or a dirty coil, and in most cases, they will clean them on the spot. 
Think of your air conditioner like your car.  You would never drive your car without having the oil changed or your tires rotated would you?  Running your air conditioner for a year is like driving your car 100,000 miles.  We just can’t drive our cars that long without having some type of issues.
Be proactive with your air conditioning and heating systems.  Have them checked every year and pay special attention to the drain pans and drain lines.

About the Author
Korey’s Bio
I’ve been in the air conditioning and heating industry since I was 15 years old.  I have been working in the family business full time since 1984 and have been an owner of the family business for over 12 years.  Our main goal is to give our customers the best possible experience and to help educate them as to how an air conditioning system works.

Korey Knobloch
Co-Owner, IAQ Specialist

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Allergy Season - How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Allergy Season In New Orleans

HELP!! Air Conditioning Clean Air Defense System to Improve Indoor Air QualityIt always seems to be allergy season in New Orleans, which likely means as you’re doing dishes, vacuuming the floor, or even resting on the couch, there’s a box of tissues and a bottle of allergy pills not too far. Even just walking outside and getting a whiff of the air might cause you to get sick. With that being said, it might be time you consider an exclusive solution for helping cope with seasonal allergies, asthma, and other problems associated with poor Indoor Air Quality.  Improving your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) helps with your allergen exposure, The solution to improving your indoor air quality is called the Clean Air Defense System.

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in New Orleans

HELP!! Air Conditioning and Heating Indoor Air Quality Statistic
EPA - Indoor Air Can Be 2-10x More Polluted Than Outdoors
According to the EnvironmentalProtection Agency, the air inside the typical home can be anywhere from two to 10 times more polluted than the air outside. There are an estimated 34 million Americans suffering from asthma, which is typically worsened by allergies. About 70 percent of asthmatics also suffer from allergies according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

Typical home construction in the modern era seals and insulates so well that the air inside the home is simply recirculated over and over again. “What that means is that all that nasty stuff like pollen, dust mite waste, viruses, and bacteria is also recirculated again and again until it is trapped… either by a filter or, worse yet, in your lungs,” commented  Korey Knobloch, IAQ Specialist at Help Air Conditioning.

Clean Air Defense System for Your Home

In response to the need of homeowners to find a better solution to poor indoor air, we encourage our customers to consider solutions like the Clean Air Defense System.  Dynamic Air just came out with an updated and better allergy fighting system. For more than 20 years Knobloch has been involved with IAQ related information and well-versed in UV Light Kits work for which symptoms. "This Dynamic Air product line has always been at the top in my opinion," stated Knobloch.  "This is mainly because they know what they are talking about." 

Steve Mores, owner of Dynamic Air, has been involved with Indoor Air Quality for at least 25 years. When Mores set out to design the latest UV kits, he focused on product durability and perfecting a solution to help people that suffer from allergy-related coughs and sinus problems. 

Clean Air Defense System’s Three Lines of Defense

There are 3 phases of poor IAQ and each requires a different way of handling them.  The 3 Phases are:

HELP!! Air Conditioning Improves Indoor Air Quality

HELP!! Air Conditioning Air Ranger Filtration System for Indoor Air QualityPHASE 1 | Particles and Allergens

It is all about the stuff flying around in the air, most of which we cannot see.  The visible particles can be seen when the sunlight comes through your window; dust is floating around. This is tackled by proper filtration.  Beware of "Allergy Filters" as they will hurt your air conditioning system by reducing air flow. HELP!! Air Conditioning has you covered with the Air Ranger Filtration System. It requires no duct modification and slides right into your return air grill.

AirRanger Polarized Whole House High-Efficiency Air Cleaners

Clean Air DefenseAir Cleaners use electronic polarized-media technology for maximum air cleaning capability. Airborne particles pass through the field and adhere to the filter media where they are captured and removed from the air. 

These Air Cleaners capture the smallest sub-micron particles in addition to airborne pathogens and VOC's (volatile organic compounds such as gases from household cleaners) and capture 97% of particles at .3 microns in size and continue trapping particles much smaller in size.

HELP!! Air Conditioning Air Ranger Polarized Air Cleaners for Indoor Air Quality
PHASE 2 | Germs and Infectious Agents

Phase 2 is about the particles we can't see floating in the air causing respiratory problems such as throat and ear infections, as well as the dreaded common cold viruses.  UV Light is Mother Nature's way of cleaning some of our air problems.  However, the sun's UV rays do not reach inside of our homes and more importantly, the lungs of our homes the air conditioning system and duct work.  The newly designed UV Light Kit can destroy these germs each time they pass by the UV light bulb resulting in cleaner and healthier indoor air.

Air Ranger Polarized Whole House High-Efficiency Air Cleaners PLUS BioForce Defender Germicidal UVC Lamps

The Clean Air Defense System Germicidal UVC Lamp is a high-output germicidal lamp that harnesses the energy of the sun's UVC rays to disrupt the DNA of living viruses, bacteria and other living airborne organisms, killing or sterilizing them so they can no longer reproduce. Germicidal UVC is effective against viruses, bacteria, molds and mold spores, pollen, and other pathogens, making the air inside any home cleaner and healthier to breathe.

HELP!! Air Conditioning Germicidal UVC Lamp for Indoor Air Quality

PHASE 3 | Chemical Gases and Odors

Cleaning chemicals, building products off gassing and Formaldehyde cannot be seen with the naked eye.  These gases typically cause dizziness, headaches and nausea.  The Phase 3 UV Kits can also help control odors in your home, such as pet odor.

Air Ranger Polarized Whole House High-Efficiency Air Cleaners PLUS the Active BioForce Defender Dual Wavelength Germicidal Oxidizing System

The Clean Air Defense System Oxidizing UVC System is a dual wavelength UVC/UVV system that harnesses the energy or the sun's UVC and UVV rays to control germs and gases. It is capable of superior odor control with the patented and adjustable UVV lamp chamber. The powerful UVC lamp kills and sterilizes germs while the photochemical reaction that takes place with the UVV lamp controls gases and odors in the home.

About the Clean Air Defense System
The Clean Air Defense System is designed to provide safe, reliable and affordable high-efficiency air cleaning products for today’s tight building construction. The Clean Air Defense System focuses on trapping and eliminating the danger before it becomes a problem for homeowners, which improves their overall health and well-being.

About Help Air Conditioning

Help Air Conditioning is a local family owned business that has been servicing the New Orleans metro and surrounding areas for 50 years.  Kenny, Keith, and Korey Knobloch are continuing what their father started and that is providing great customer service while helping customers stay comfortable during our sweltering summers.  Our Service and Installation Technicians are the best because we demand the best for you.  Your satisfaction is our #1 Goal.

Korey Knobloch
Co-Owner, IAQ Specialist