Monday, October 17, 2016

The Connected Home

This is the new rage in home ownership. Being able to turn lights on and off, lock your doors, view your house with cameras inside and out and the best option is to control your air conditioning and heating  system.

Cox Communications, ATT&T, Google, Amazon and the list goes on and on of people and companies vying for you to use their products and options. You can find a myriad list of products at Home Depot, Lowes, Amazon Prime, Best Buy and almost any retailer you walk into. You no longer have to do full on home automation when you have all these Wi-Fi capable products that you can use with virtually no monthly fees.

Now the big question comes to mind.  How do you decide what and who’s options and products you want use?  First you need to start with a list of what is your highest priority to get done first.  Start by making a list of what’s most important and what benefits you get from each item.  Also don’t forget to list the true benefits of each.  Below is something I started to put together while looking at automating my own house.

Item I wantReasonBenefits
Lighting Kids leave all the lights onSave on my electrical bill/safety
CamerasCar was broken into in drivewaySafety
ThermostatI forget to raise temp when I leaveCan changed temp when I forget
Home AssistantBecause it’s coolNo benefits, I just like it
Door locksDon’t have to use keys when drunkKids can’t lose their keys
Wireless AudioDon’t have to get up to change musicAnother cool item to have

The one thing I would note here is for the Wi-Fi thermostat.  I would pay the extra and get this from your air conditioning and heating company.  They will be responsible for the warranty if anything ever happens to it.  Otherwise you have to send it back and wait for another one, not much fun in August.  Make your list, do your homework and enjoy thinking of the many things you can do with each item.  You’ll also be the envy of all your friends.

Looking for MoreWifi Thermostat Info

You can visit the Wifi Thermostat page or the Visually Impaired Thermostat page on our site